Sunday, October 24, 2010

Artists You Might Like: Dhsu

If you like:

-Videogame music
-Sombre sombreness

then you might enjoy Dhsu! So read on.

There's a lovely website called Overclocked Remix which hosts plenty of videogame remixes. Dhsu is a musician who posts his artworks there.

He reworks classic tunes into tranquil arrangements that have that similar quality to Hans Zimmer's work: they make you feel something; usually nothing in particular, just emotion. It's also rather excellent chill music.

Here's a few stellar tracks. This one's all Mario Karty.

Download here:

This one's my favourite. GrayLightning helped out with this one. If you have fond memories of giving the dusty cartridge the "kiss of life" before booting up Ocarina of Time on your 64, this song should earn bonus points in your books.

Download here:


  1. I'm in debt to you for these. The N64 was my childhood.

  2. Cheeky tunes man, I'm loving the retro feel

  3. wow, this is awesome music. love to hear the n64 remixes. and these are especially good

  4. i love those kind of remixes!
    i once found a 8bit mix of dark side of the moon! awesome!

  5. This really good. 8bit music is great!

  6. Lol at n64 tuneage. love it man :)
