Think hard about what you have done today. Have you got everything you wanted to do done? How about things you didn't expect you would accomplish?
Extend that to, say, the week. What did you do? What didn't you do?
Now, maybe, your life. What do you really want out of your time here?
The purpose of this exercise in pretentious wankery was to have you evaluate your existence. We spend a flickering of time here and you must get the most of it. When I was a child, my parents shelled out a few bucks to take us to a fancy cafe for breakfast and I would have died if it weren't for the archaically-trained waiter executing the Heimlich Maneuver. I had completely forgotten about the experience until just the other day when a car, cruising through a red, clipped my backpack.
We don't have much time here. How do you make the most of it?
I procrastinated.
1540s, from L. procrastinationem "a putting off," noun of action from procrastinare "put off till tomorrow," from pro- "forward" (see pro-) + crastinus "belonging to tomorrow," from cras "tomorrow," of unknown origin.
I get high as shit. That makes my time here pretty enjoyable. Oh god, the cold truth. It hurts.
ReplyDeleteI paint, spend time with friends, make memories of the night to be had, reflect, paint again, and smoke more. I love my life.
ReplyDeleteUsually a mixture of friends and smoking. I need a new job, that's for certain.
ReplyDeleteI love pretentious wankery. It's my favourite kind of wankery.
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about this alot lately and I have no idea what I am here for.
ReplyDeletedeep bro
ReplyDeleteI appreciate such thought provoking sentiments; it was well received. I'm glad that we get to reminisce about existence.
ReplyDeleteWell, today I woke up drunk, lets not talk about that. But oh boy yesterday... that certainly was a day for me.
What my good friend MR. Bublee said is almost exactly what I do. The only difference is, is that I only occasionaly paint with him and dont nearly smoke as much as he does!!! haha
ReplyDeleteI'm at school learning something I don't want to. My life is passing by currently, but the change began yesterday. Don't know what I'm here for yet. I'll find out soon enough.